Financial Planning Events


Q3 2024 Stock Market Update 

Understanding where the market is headed, why certain asset classes are outperforming others, and which policy changes will impact you is fundamental for today's investors. Join Nick Johnson, CFA®, CFP®, President of Willis Johnson & Associates, as he presents an in-depth analysis of our current economy and offers actionable tactics to consider for your investment strategy.


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Chevron Professionals Can Save Over $69,000 In The ESIP This Year

As you make financial decisions now, you probably realize they’ll have a significant impact on your financial future and retirement security. Chevron employees have access to a host of generous retirement savings options and tax-efficient savings strategies that you can leverage to get up to a total of $84,300 into tax-preferential retirement savings ($94,800 for married couples age 55 and above) this year!


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BP Professionals Can Save Over $69,000 In The ESP This Year

As a BP employee, you may wonder how to make sure you’re saving enough for retirement, or if you should be using different savings options to make the most of your retirement. If you’ve built a career at BP, you should ensure you’re building a retirement future using the options it provides to get up to a total of $84,300 into tax-preferential retirement savings ($94,800 for married couples age 55 and above) this year!


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Shell Professionals Can Save Over $69,000 In The Provident Fund This Year

If a successful retirement from Shell is part of your long-term plan, this webinar will provide you with plenty of useful, actionable information to put into practice as you plan for the future. We'll also discuss how to lessen the tax impact of your pension and excess benefit plan payouts and how you can combine strategies and planning tools to get up to a total of $84,300 into tax-preferential retirement savings ($94,800 for married couples aged 55 and above) this year!


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How to Start a Consulting Business


There are many benefits to starting a consulting practice — if you know what to expect. If you're not fully versed in the tax implications of being self-employed, how to protect your assets, and the rules around structuring self-employment benefits, you could potentially lose benefits and affect the savings you've built up over your career. You've worked hard to develop the skills needed for consulting. Let us walk you through the primary considerations and common mistakes of self-employment, so you can enhance, not hinder, your upcoming venture.


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Timing Your Shell Retirement

For Shell professionals, the difference between retiring at the end of one year and the beginning of the next can be hundreds of thousands of dollars in missed savings. Let's face it: if you’re not thinking about your pension, taxes, and other benefit payouts when selecting your retirement date, you’re potentially leaving money on the table. In this webinar, WJA's Managing Director, Wealth Management, and Shell benefits expert, Alexis Long, MBA, CFP®, dives into the misconceptions surrounding Shell executive's benefits.


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Timing Your Chevron Retirement


As a Chevron employee, do you know the retirement date you choose can have a major effect on your retirement funds? After a long career at Chevron, picking a retirement date can actually be quite complicated. Let’s face it: if you’re not thinking about your employee benefits, taxes, and income distribution when selecting your Chevron retirement date, you're likely to be leaving money on the table. Strategically choosing your retirement date can be the key to maximizing your Chevron retirement benefits and efficiently minimizing your overall tax burden.


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5 Benefit Elections That Can Impact Your Taxes After Leaving BP


Many BP retirees will have multiple income sources to consider in their final months or years of work, with the most common being salary and bonuses, restricted stock units, excess compensation payouts, pensions, unused benefits, and severance. Navigating these complex financial opportunities related to retirement from BP can be time-consuming and difficult to discern. Every situation is different, and delaying retirement might not fit every retiree’s personal situation; however, this webinar will cover the financial reasons to consider when choosing a specific date or time of year for retirement from BP.


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How to Use Retirement Withdrawal Strategies to Lower Your Taxes


While many professionals think retirement signifies the end of their financial planning needs, financial planning is more crucial than ever because making just one or two wrong decisions can create a significant headache and higher tax bills in retirement. For many retirees, planning how to make savings last and trying to make tax-efficient choices in each of these financial areas can bring anxiety and stress. We’ll walk you through common scenarios we see with retirees so you can make the necessary decisions with confidence and keep more of what’s yours.


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The 3 Biggest Tax Mistakes High-Income Earners Make Every Year 

Overlooked and often unknown errors can result in double taxation, an incorrect or incomplete tax return, or expensive penalties. As a corporate executive, you have unique factors to consider before submitting your taxes — Do you have company stock? Do you have foreign financial assets? Have you submitted all the forms you need and done so correctly? In this webinar, we'll discuss the frequent errors we encounter within tax returns from high-income earners, and how to prevent or correct these costly mistakes.


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Navigating Open Enrollment at BP

How to Make the Right Elections for You & 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid


BP benefits expert and Director, Wealth Management, Sarah Sikorski, CFP®, CPA,  walks you through the considerations to evaluate when choosing your medical and insurance plans, the common mistakes we see each Open Enrollment season, and how to avoid them. The choices you make during Open Enrollment can have a long-term impact on the costs you and your family face over time, and what’s available to take care of you all if unexpected circumstances arise.  


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Navigating Open Enrollment at Shell

How to Make the Right Elections for You & 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid


Join us for our upcoming webinar where Shell benefits expert Alexis Long, CFP®, will walk you through the considerations to evaluate when choosing your medical and insurance plans, the common mistakes we see each Shell Open Enrollment season, and how to avoid them. Many people neglect to make changes during Open Enrollment, but it’s about so much more than just picking a plan. The choices you make during Open Enrollment can have a long-term impact on the costs you and your family face over time, and what’s available to take care of you all if unexpected circumstances arise.  


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Navigating Open Enrollment at Chevron

How to Make the Right Elections for You & 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid


Many people neglect to make changes during Open Enrollment, but it’s about so much more than just picking a plan. The choices you make during Open Enrollment can have a long-term impact on the costs you and your family face over time, and what’s available to take care of you all if unexpected circumstances arise.  Join us for our upcoming webinar where Chevron benefits expert, Steven Chambers, CFA®, CFP®, will walk you through the considerations to evaluate when choosing your medical and insurance plans, the common mistakes we see each Open Enrollment season, and how to avoid them. 


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How Expats Can Avoid 10 Common Mistakes Surrounding Taxes & Foreign Earned Income

Whether you're juggling tax forms and credits, purchasing real estate, or managing various financial accounts, living in a different country as a U.S. resident can be a lot to manage. Overlooked and often unknown errors can result in double taxation, an incorrect or incomplete tax return, or expensive penalties. In this webinar, we discuss the frequent errors we encounter within tax returns from high-income earning expatriates or those who've immigrated to the U.S., and how to prevent or correct these costly mistakes.


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2022 Midterms & the Markets
What the Outcome Could Mean for Your Finances

Between recently passed legislation and what’s currently pending in Congress, there's no shortage of topics to discuss regarding the upcoming Congressional mid-terms. With so many potential policy changes in a close race for control of the Senate and the House, it's important to think about how you should save, invest, and plan for your best long-term outcome regardless of the election results. Register for our upcoming webinar where WJA President and Wealth Manager, Nick Johnson, CFA®, CFP®, dives into the potential financial implications of each party's proposed policies and how your financial planning should pivot to make the most of it.


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What do Rising Interest Rates Mean for the Chevron Pension?

Join us for a presentation where WJA Director of Wealth Management and Chevron benefits expert Alexis Long, CFP®, dives into recent shifts in segment rates and their financial impact on lump sum payouts for the CRP pension. She’ll walk you through the factors of the pension calculation and factors to consider so you can start your benefit at the most financially appealing time.


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What do Rising Interest Rates Mean for the BP Pension?

Pushing or accelerating your retirement date to take advantage of the right interest rates can add thousands of dollars to the funds available to you in retirement, so it’s critical to get it right. Join us for our upcoming webinar where Wealth Manager and BP benefits expert John Siegel, CFP®, EA, dives into recent shifts in segment rates and their financial impact on lump sum payouts for the RAP pension.


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3 Key Strategies to Being a Successful Investor

Many investors wonder what the key to success is when investing. How can you beat, or at least match, the market? WJA President, Nick Johnson CFA®, CFP®, answers these questions and provides an in-depth analysis of where investors go wrong and how to avoid these mistakes when creating your own strategy. Register for the webinar to learn the best way to create a custom investment strategy that can help you reach your long-term financial goals.


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How to Prepare for an Upcoming Retirement from Shell:
7 Things Smart Retirees Do in Their Last 6 Months

In the final months before your last day at Shell, there are numerous benefit elections, investment, savings, and tax decisions to make. Each of these financial decisions impacts and compounds off of one another, so making even just one wrong decision can create a significant headache and tax bill in retirement. Join Director of Wealth Management, Alexis Long, MBA, CFP®, as she covers the most important considerations and action items Shell professionals need to address as they prepare to move into retirement.


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6 Tax-Efficient Ways to Save Over $60,000 for Retirement This Year

Many corporate professionals know that maxing out your 401(k) is not only good for retirement, but it can help reduce your taxable income when filing your taxes. While many believe that contributing $19,500 is what it takes to max out 401(k) contributions, there are strategies that can help you save as much as $70,500 in retirement accounts in 2021. Whether your company offers a 401(k) with a generous company match, a formula-defined pension, or deferred compensation plans for executives, it’s important to have an in-depth understanding of how the plans work to ensure you're getting the most from them for your retirement.


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What to Consider When Facing a BP Severance

Whether you’re volunteering to take a severance package or are facing a mandatory one, navigating a severance package after a long career at BP can actually be quite complicated. Let’s face it: if you’re not thinking about how all these factors work together when selecting your last day at BP, you’re potentially leaving money on the table. What factors should be the biggest considerations for whether or not to accept a BP severance?

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What to Consider When Facing a Chevron Severance

Whether you’re volunteering to take a severance package or are facing a mandatory one,  navigating a severance package after a long career at Chevron can actually be quite complicated. Let’s face it: if you’re not thinking about how all these factors work together when selecting your Chevron retirement or separation date, you’re potentially leaving money on the table. How can you — a Chevron employee — make the most of a severance?

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What to Consider When Facing a Shell Severance

Navigating a severance package after a long career at Shell can be quite complicated whether you’re volunteering to take a package or are facing a mandatory one. In this webinar, presented by Nick Johnson, CFA®, CFP®, we’ll be diving into how you can take advantage of financial planning opportunities a severance presents and will focus on how to avoid selecting a separation date that could cost you thousands in taxes by pushing you into the highest tax brackets.

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